Academic References

The following people have kindly confirmed their strong support for my applications, for which I am sincerely grateful. Please do not hesitate to directly contact them to inquire about their experience working with me.

Names are in alphabetical order (first name).

For my master’s studies

  • Ana Klimovic (aklimovic AT
  • Christina Delimitrou (delimitrou AT
  • Gustavo Alonso (alonso AT
  • Sameh Elnikety (samehe AT
  • Theodoros Rekatsinas (trekatsinas AT

For my undergraduate studies (previous referees)

  • Alexandru Iosup (a.iosup AT
  • Andrew S. Tanenbaum (ast AT
  • Cristiano Giuffrida (giuffrida AT
  • Jacopo Urbani (jacopo AT
  • Jan-Pieter Dorsman (j.l.dorsman AT
  • Michael Cochez (m.cochez AT
  • Natalia Silvis-Cividjian (n.silvis-cividjian AT

Industry References

Here are selected recommendations from my LinkedIn profile, in case you do not use LinkedIn.

  • Mashrur Haider (CEO at Curieo AI, August 2024)

“Hongyu served as an ML research fellow on my team, consistently demonstrating high initiative and technical versatility. At Curieo, he conducted in-depth research on frontier topics in ML/DL, while also proposing valuable improvements and innovative ideas. His adaptability and strong work ethic make him a valuable asset to any team, whether in academia or industry.”

  • Zhe Gan (Research Scientist at Apple AI/ML, October 2023)

“Hongyu worked on the multimodal project during his summer internship at Apple. From what I observed, Hongyu has done a nice job during the internship. He has strong engineering skills and also demonstrates the ability of critical thinking. He is able to design the experiments he wants to run, implement ideas, and do analysis on the results. Hongyu is also easy to get along with. I enjoyed interacting and discussing research problems with him. Generally, he has demonstrated great research and engineering skills during the internship.”

  • Peter Grasch (Machine Learning Engineering Manager at Apple, October 2023)

“Hongyu interned in my team over this summer. Throughout his time at Apple, Hongyu presented himself as a highly motivated, skilled, and versatile ML engineer. He contributed to our projects in many meaningful ways, both by proposing new research ideas and designing experiments to explore them, as well as by contributing the substantial code changes necessary to ultimately bring those ideas to fruition. I would be happy to work with Hongyu again in the future.”

  • Jean-Philippe Fauconnier (Senior NLP & ML Researcher at Apple, October 2023)

“Hongyu was an intern at Apple during this Summer 2023. During that time, Hongyu showed exceptional skills and abilities. He was creative, proactive, and enthusiastic. He proposed new ideas, solved problems, and collaborated well with his colleagues and myself. You are welcome back at Apple anytime, Hongyu.”

  • Sander Mark (Director Of Technology at Picnic Technologies, February 2021)

“Hongyu joined Picnic Technologies during his studies. It was immediately clear that his sharp mind would be a great addition to Picnic. Even though Hongyu did not have much prior Java development experience, he picked up these skills very quickly. He contributed both to our core product and worked on experimental prototypes for voice integration. Besides his technical aptitude, Hongyu also has a very humble yet curious attitude, which made him a great fit for the team.”

  • Bastien Diederichs (Senior Software Engineer, February 2021)

“During his time at Picnic, I had the pleasure to work with Hongyu. As a senior relative to him I was supposed to teach him a few things, but I ended learning from him as much as he learned from me! Hongyu quickly got up to speed with our different techs, processes and organization. That allowed him to both be able to pick up most of the tasks assigned to the team, but also to work on more abstract topics such as observability within our team’s deployments or a voice-enhanced prototype of the Picnic app. Eventually he also became an important peer in all our designing and architecture discussions around our future projects in the Store team. TL;DR Hongyu is an extremely versatile and knowledgeable developer that I would be happy to work again with!”