
10 minute read

Many people in academia prefer the term “queueing theory” over “queuing theory.” Here, I use the latter for simplicity.

Queuing theory is a useful concept that deals with the study of queues or waiting lines. Queuing theory has found significant applications in various fields, including computer systems. In computer systems, queuing theory helps in analyzing the performance, predicting the system’s behavior under different load conditions, and optimizing system parameters for better performance. In this blog, we will discuss queuing theory in computer systems and explain some of the essential formulas used in queuing theory.

Basics of Queuing Theory

Queuing theory is a branch of applied mathematics that deals with the study of queues or waiting lines. Queues are a common phenomenon in everyday life, and we encounter them in various situations, such as waiting for a bus, standing in a line at a grocery store, or waiting for a web page to load. In computer systems, queuing theory helps in analyzing the behavior of computer systems under different load conditions.

A queuing system consists of three basic components:

  • The population of customers who need service
  • The service facility or server that provides the service
  • The waiting line or queue where customers wait for service

In a queuing system, customers arrive randomly, and they join the queue if the service facility is busy. When a customer arrives at the service facility, the service facility serves the customer, and the customer leaves the system. The queuing system’s performance can be measured using various metrics, such as the average waiting time, the average queue length, the utilization of the service facility, and the throughput.

Kendall’s Notation

Kendall’s notation is a standard notation used to describe queuing systems. Kendall’s notation uses four letters to describe a queuing system. The first letter represents the arrival process, the second letter represents the service process, the third letter represents the number of servers, and the fourth letter represents the queue discipline.

The following table summarizes the meaning of each letter in Kendall’s notation:

Letter Meaning
$A$ Arrival process
$M$ Markovian (exponential) service process
$D$ Deterministic service process
$G$ General service process
$M/D/C$ Number of servers ($C$)
$F$ Queue discipline

Formulas in Queuing Theory

The following are some essential formulas used in queuing theory:

Little’s Law

Little’s law states that the average number of customers in a queuing system is equal to the product of the average arrival rate and the average time a customer spends in the system. Mathematically, Little’s law can be expressed as follows:

\[L = \lambda W\]

where $L$ is the average number of customers in the system, $λ$ is the arrival rate, and $W$ is the average time a customer spends in the system.

Erlang’s Formula

Erlang’s formula is used to calculate the probability of a customer having to wait in the queue before receiving service. Erlang’s formula assumes that the arrival process is Poisson, the service process is Markovian, and there is only one server. Mathematically, Erlang’s formula can be expressed as follows:

\[P_n = \frac{\frac{(\lambda/\mu)^n}{n!}}{\sum_{i=0}^{C-1} \frac{(\lambda/\mu)^i}{i!} + \frac{(\lambda/\mu)^C}{C!(1-\rho)}}\]

where $P_n$ is the probability of $n$ customers in the system, $λ$ is the arrival rate, $μ$ is the service rate, $C$ is the number of servers, and $ρ$ is the utilization of the service facility.

Kendall’s Formulas

Kendall’s formulas are used to calculate the performance measures of queuing systems. The following are the most commonly used Kendall’s formulas:

  • Average queue length:
\[L_q = \frac{\rho^2}{1-\rho} \cdot \frac{1}{1-C\rho^{-C}(1-\rho)^{-1}}\]

where $L_q$ is the average queue length, $ρ$ is the utilization of the service facility, and $C$ is the number of servers.

  • Average waiting time:
\[W_q = \frac{L_q}{\lambda}\]

where $W_q$ is the average waiting time and $λ$ is the arrival rate.

  • Utilization:
\[\rho = \frac{\lambda}{C\mu}\]

where $ρ$ is the utilization of the service facility, $λ$ is the arrival rate, $μ$ is the service rate, and $C$ is the number of servers.

  • Throughput:
\[X = \lambda(1-P_n)\]

where $X$ is the throughput, $λ$ is the arrival rate, and $P_n$ is the probability of $n$ customers in the system.

Applications of Queuing Theory

Queuing theory has many practical applications in various fields. In telecommunications, queuing theory is used to optimize the performance of call centers and customer service systems. By using queuing theory, call centers can determine the optimal number of agents needed to handle customer demand and minimize waiting times. In the healthcare sector, queuing theory is used to manage patient flows and optimize hospital resources. By understanding the behavior of queues, hospitals can reduce waiting times, improve patient satisfaction, and increase the efficiency of their operations.

In manufacturing, queuing theory is used to optimize production lines by minimizing queue lengths and waiting times. By analyzing the arrival and service rates of a production line, queuing theory can help manufacturers determine the optimal number of servers (e.g., machines) needed to meet customer demand and reduce waiting times. Queuing theory is also used in inventory management to determine the optimal inventory level that minimizes costs while meeting customer demand.

Queuing theory is also useful in traffic engineering, where it is used to optimize the performance of traffic systems. By understanding the behavior of queues, traffic engineers can design traffic systems that minimize congestion and waiting times. For example, queuing theory can help traffic engineers determine the optimal number of traffic lanes needed to handle traffic flows during peak hours and minimize waiting times.

Queuing theory has been used in the entertainment industry to predict demand for rides and attractions at theme parks. By analyzing the arrival rate and service rate, queuing theory can help theme parks determine the optimal number of employees needed to reduce queue lengths and waiting times. Queuing theory has also been applied in the aviation industry to optimize the allocation of gates and reduce waiting times at airports.

Limitations of Queuing Theory

While queuing theory is a powerful tool for understanding waiting lines, it has some limitations. To make theoretical analysis feasible, queuing theory sometimes relies on strong assumptions, for example, customers arrive randomly and independently of each other (i.e., input distributions), which may not always be the case in real-world scenarios. For instance, customers may arrive in groups or bunches, and their arrival may be dependent on external factors like weather, time of day, or season. Additionally, queuing theory assumes that the service process is independent of the arrival process, which may not always hold true. In some cases, the arrival of customers may be dependent on the state of the queue or the number of customers present. Finally, queuing theory assumes that the queue discipline is fixed, which may not be the case in real-world scenarios where priorities may change. For example, in a hospital, the priority of patients may change based on their medical condition.


Queuing theory is a dynamic field that continues to evolve as new applications and challenges arise. With the advent of big data and machine learning, queuing theory is now being used to optimize complex systems that were previously difficult to model. For example, queuing theory is being used to optimize cloud computing systems, where the arrival rate and service rate can vary significantly depending on the workload. Queuing theory is also being used to optimize supply chain management, where the arrival rate and service rate can vary depending on the demand for goods and services.

Another area of interest for future research in queuing theory is the study of the impact of social distancing measures on queues. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant changes in the way we wait in lines. Queuing theory can be used to study the effectiveness of social distancing measures in reducing queue lengths and waiting times.

Furthermore, queuing theory is being applied to study the impact of customer behavior on queuing systems. It is being used to analyze the effect of customer impatience, customer balk, and jockeying behavior on queueing systems. By understanding the behavior of customers, queuing theory can help organizations design better queue management systems that cater to the needs and preferences of their customers.


This post gives a brief overview of queuing theory, a methematical concept for understanding waiting lines and improving their performance. By applying queuing theory to real-world problems, we can optimize the performance of queues in various applications, from customer service systems to traffic systems. Queuing theory provides a quantitative framework for evaluating the performance of queues and improving their efficiency, enhancing the experience of customers and users. While queuing theory has its limitations, it remains an essential tool for analyzing and optimizing waiting lines in a variety of fields. As the world becomes more complex, queuing theory will continue to play a critical role in optimizing systems and improving the efficiency of operations.

In addition to the above, queuing theory is also being increasingly applied in the field of e-commerce, where it is used to optimize online shopping experiences. With the exponential growth of online shopping, queuing theory is being used to reduce the waiting times for customers during peak periods, such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday. By analyzing the behavior of online shoppers, queuing theory can help retailers to design better queuing systems that can accommodate the surge in demand during such peak periods.

Another area in which queuing theory is being applied is in the field of public transportation. Queuing theory is used to optimize public transportation systems by minimizing waiting times at bus stops and train stations. By analyzing the arrival and service rates of public transportation systems, queuing theory can help transit agencies to determine the optimal number of buses or trains needed to meet demand and reduce waiting times for passengers.

Queuing theory is also being used to improve the performance of online streaming services. By analyzing the arrival and service rates of streaming services, queuing theory can help streaming providers to determine the optimal number of servers needed to handle the demand for streaming content and reduce buffering times for users.

In conclusion, queuing theory is a powerful tool that has numerous applications in various fields. As the world becomes more complex, the need for efficient queue management systems becomes even more paramount. By understanding the behavior of queues, organizations can optimize their operations, reduce waiting times, and enhance the experience of their customers and users. Queuing theory will continue to play a critical role in optimizing systems and improving the efficiency of operations in various fields.

Moreover, the application of queuing theory has expanded to the field of public health. During the COVID-19 pandemic, queuing theory has been used to model the spread of the virus and to predict the impact of social distancing measures on the spread of the virus. Queuing theory has been used to model the behavior of the virus in different populations and to predict the effectiveness of various interventions, such as lockdowns and vaccination programs. By understanding the behavior of the virus and the effectiveness of interventions, queuing theory can help public health officials to design better policies and strategies to combat the spread of the virus.

In addition to the above-mentioned applications, queuing theory is also being used in the field of finance. Queuing theory is used to optimize the performance of financial markets by minimizing waiting times and reducing transaction costs. By analyzing the arrival and service rates of financial markets, queuing theory can help investors to determine the optimal timing and size of their trades and to minimize their losses due to transaction costs.

Another area of interest for future research in queuing theory is the study of the impact of emerging technologies on queue management systems. With the rapid pace of technological innovation, queuing theory can help organizations to design better queue management systems that can accommodate new technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and the internet of things. By understanding the behavior of queues in the context of emerging technologies, queuing theory can help organizations to optimize their operations and improve the efficiency of their systems.


  • Harchol-Balter, M. (2013). Performance modeling and design of computer systems: queueing theory in action. Cambridge University Press.
  • Gross, D. and Harris, C. M. (1998) Fundamentals of Queuing Theory. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Hillier, F. S. and Lieberman, G. J. (2014) Introduction to Operations Research, 10th edition. McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Kleinrock, L. (1975) Queueing Systems, Volume 1: Theory. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Takács, L. (1962) Introduction to the Theory of Queues. Oxford University Press.

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